CIPS New Syllabus

There are a lot of changes coming from CIPS at the moment and understandably it’s left a lot of students confused! We are still awaiting further information from CIPS but believe it is important to pass on what we have got so far.

Exam Timeline:

May - Last sitting for the current syllabus exams

July - First sitting for the new computer based exams. Many of the exam centres are changing so it’s important to check where your exam is.

What are the new exams?

There are two types of Computer Based Exams (CBEs):

1) Objective Response (OR) these are computer-based, which allow you to select a response from a list of possible answers.  With the exception of L6M4, all 6 credit exams are in the OR format.

OR exams are 1.5 hours long, and usually you will be sitting two of these modules per exam series.

OR exams don’t have a traditional timetable, but instead have a week of open exams (at 9, 12, and 3), with exam centres choosing how many sittings and how many days they will open for. Due to this, until we book your exam we are no longer able to tell you which day in the week your exam will be.

2) Constructed Response (CR) these exams require a longer, essay-type response to questions.

CR exams are three hours long and are essentially computer versions of the exams you’re used to.

CR exams have set timetables which are available on the CIPS website.

When are the new exams?

Exam sittings are now 6 times a year: November, January, March, May, July, and September. We recommend following the usual November - July academic year and utilising September for resits where needed.


Resources are being released gradually by CIPS between March and August. If you have new syllabus modules scheduled with us we will send you your resources as soon as they are made available to us. If you are sitting an off-timetable exam please get in touch with us to check resource release dates.

What about students already studying?

Don’t worry, there are transfer arrangements in place. If the course is changing part way through your year, the timetable will have been set so that you cover everything.
If you need to take a resit on the new syllabus there is info on the CIPS website about the equivalent subjects, alternatively just get in touch with us and we’ll help you figure it out.

The Bottom Line

There is, undeniably, some uncertainty for all students around these qualifications but we are doing our best to get clarity on all of it from CIPS. If you’re not sure about anything at all, even if you think it’s silly, just get in touch with us and we’ll help you.